Fenghuang Ancient Town Overview
The local Language
Mandarin is the main language to speak in Fenghuang city , only few people know some English words . If you want to travel to remote miao villages (mainly in miao language),even a local Chinese tourist may have some communication difficulties with the local Miao people.
Phoenix dialect is the main common language of phoenix, close to the pronunciation of the southwest dialect, but the spoken language is more chaotic, many words do not have appropriate Chinese characters to express accurately.
Geographic Summary
Th phoenix ancient town is situated at the baqnks of the Tuo river and is surrounded by a magnificent range of mountains. It was praised by Louis Aerie(famous New Zealand write) that it was the most beautiful town in China, It is close to the Zhangjiajie region and has many famous views, most notably the Dehang Miao Village in Jishou and the Mengdong River.
What to do in Fenghuang
- Enjoy a soft drink in the bars.
- Lighting a river lanterns to send your wishes away