FAQs For Traveling to Zhangjiajie
When can we have a good weather for our tour,we don’t want to encounter the rainy season?

In fact, We don’t have rainy season in Zhangjiajie, because It rains in all four seasons. Winter may have the least rain, it rains in the rest 3 seasons unpredictably. Normally the weather information is showed on internet 15 days ahead, but sometimes, it’s not that accurate in mountainous area like Zhangjiajie, ). so no one can tell which day it will rain, which day it will not. All in all, it’s based on luck.
What if we have bad weather,what we do ?
If we had a unpleasant weather, we may rearrange the itinerary while let you know why it’s better for the situation.If any adjustments cannot do any difference to deliver a better tour experience because of the extremely bad weather,it will become your decision to choose: to still experience it or not.
Notice:If there is an extra expense on any part of the Revised Plan.it ‘s supposed to be at your own cost.
We have elder people,is there a lot of walking in this tour?
You have seniors,but we have cable cars,elevator,escalator,mini train,Sedan-chairs which can help them to still enjoy the tour with less physical works. On the top of the mountain, most trails are kind of flat,no steep climbing.The total walking time is around 3-4hours for each day.
Tourist Queue
It’s a question asked by people frequently.China is the country with most population in the world.so at high tourism season,to avoid all the queues seems impossible.In this case, the guide will give you suggestions on what to do to have the least and shortest line-up.
Why it always so crowded in Zhangjiajie?
1 Bursting Tourists No.
Even before the movie Avatar,Zhangjiajie has been already quite well known in China for long time since 1982,after the movie,the tourists population speeds up internationally, Millions of them visit here every year.The period from Marth 8th, (The Woman’s Day) to Middle of October is the hot tourism season.
2 A big portion of nice views have to be enjoyed on the mountain top.So people who don’t want to climb appear at cable car,elevator,part bus station because it’s really hard to reach the top on foot. In high tourism season,the line-up would be very long.
Other Useful Tips For Traveling to Zhangjiajie
1, How to Get to Zhangjiajie From Changsha 2, How to Get to Zhangjiajie From Beijing
3,How to Get to Wulingyuan from Zhangjiajie airport 4, Do Tourists Need a Guide In Zhangjiajie
5, Suggestions for Accommodation in Zhangjiajie 6,Zhangjiajie Currency & Internet Service
7,FAQs For Traveling to Zhangjiajie